July 02, 2015 10:39 pm
Does anyone know what the point of the ugly hexaganal bolt next to the ciggy tray release button is. Given this otherwise luxury high end vehicle this thing sticks out like a sore thumb and seems pointless - what am I missing here?
July 02, 2015 11:31 pm
Looks like a jack socket to me.
July 03, 2015 04:52 pm
External input to what looks like an aftermarket radio/player?
September 06, 2015 06:35 am
Definitely not original. Don't blame Citroen but the previous owner
September 06, 2015 11:30 pm
The item is a push switch with the black push button broken off.
It and the LED at the opposite end of the panel are the visible parts of a Texalarm.
This was a standard Citroen part (CIT2109BTC) intended for dealer fitting.
There is also a section of wiring loom that plugs into the existing car loom.
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