The following are available as a complete lot for a sensible offer. There's at least £50.00 worth of new stuff alone...
I intend to stick them on eBay very soon, but thought that I'd offer forum members the chance to buy them first.
LHM Plus 1L Halfords unopened.
LHM Plus 250cl Morris. Part-used
Gear Oil 75W80 1.5L approx (enough to fill a gearbox!)
Manuals. Haynes, Russek, Revue Technique
Sphere removal tool – Pleiades
Blower resistor pack (new, unused, worth £20.00+)
Steering Rack Boots L and R, New. Supplied by GSF
Aux. Belt Unused 6PK1185
Aux Belt Unused 6KR 1190
Aux belt Part worn 6kr 1190
Genuine Cit. Door handle surround 9119.95 new
Genuine Cit height corrector link 96 174 036 new
L/H dot matrix spares/repair. Serviceability unknown
Exhaust clamps
Hydraulic system seals 12mm, 3.5mm, misc.
Coolant reservoir cap. Serviceable spare. Used
Front wheel bearing “Premier” brand BRT1131. New (worth £25.00)
Front wheel bearing as above. Part-worn
Thermostats in housing. Used, serviceable spares.
Coolant level sensor used and serviceable. Valeo 9627 867 980
Strut return house clamp (front) used.
Misc seatbelt, door trims, switch covers.
07786 541542