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It's been a few years since I had an XM. I've bought an early Series 2 CT Turbo Exclusive and doing a bit of fettling. I used to be on the Yahoo XM Group, which you could set up to send a digest to your email account. I couldn't seem to find out how to do this on this forum. Have I missed something?

I'm trying to fix the dot matrix at the moment - I have most of hte unit working, but the ribbon connector is somewhat damaged where it meets the PCB. Anyone got a solution or a screen with the connector?


Frech E-Bay has a solution, it is a small peice of rubber conductive strip which replaces the failed foil conecetor. This is in fact the same type of conductive strip that the S1 displays use (although a differnt shape/size). It is very expensive for what it is (about £30 IIRC) but I have used one and it does the job and is likely to last far longer than the original
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