Hi all,
I have a Citroen Xantia 2.0HDi which drains the battery over 2 days. I have tracked down the culprit. Even when the ignition is off and the key withdrawn, the ECU and injection relay are both still live. I have checked the ignition switch and the line leading from the switch to the ecu (arriving at the ecu on terminal 69) is dead. The ECU is a Citroen Part number 9636321680 which I think is a Bosch 0218010749 EDC15.
The injection relay has a permanent live connection through F4 (in the engine compartment fuse box). The coil of the injection relay is therefore switched on the negative side by the ecu.
Which terminal on the ecu determines whether the ignition is switched on or not? I can see a switched live arriving on terminal 69. Are there any others?
The question is,
Is the ECU faulty and keeping the Injection Relay energised when it shouldn't? In which case I need a new ecu.
Is there a fault elsewhere which makes the ecu think that the ignition switch is on? In which case, which terminal does it use to sense that?
I plugged in the Lexia and went to the actuator test page. I can successfully switch the Injection Relay on and off with the ecu so there's nothing wrong with that function. I also disconnected the ecu with the ignition switched off and the injection relay deactivated. I can therefore conclude that there is not a short in the line leading from the Injection Relay to ecu.
Does anyone have a spare ecu that I can use to swap out to determine if the fault is with the ecu or the remainder of the wiring?