Whilst not the most successful venture of Club-XM I think the bulk buying proposal still has merit and is worth another try. Maybe the first couple of examples were bad choices. So, rather than choose individual items, here are a few links to the on-line cataogues used by the chinese manufacturers of automotive products.


Please have a look around on those links. If there's an item you think you need and you think your fellow XM owners could also need then identify the item on a new post in the manner I did before and see if anyone else would be interested. You'll be surprised how low, in this depressed financial climate, the Minimum Order Quantities can be. They can be singles even when the MOQ is stated as being more.

One very surprising item is the ribbon cables or flexis for the repair of the left hand dot matrix displays on XMs. Consider the number of XMs left running in the world and the subset of those with display problems and the subset of those where the ribbon is the answer. Why would several manufacturers all tool-up to make the repair ribbons for what must be a tiny, tiny number of potential sales?

This gives me hope that we could persuade a manufaturer to re-manufacture headlights for example, or strut tops.


noz cool.gif