Hi all. Took my estate out for a run as I had not used it for a while. First 15kms OK but then noticed nasty noise from front offside wheel under breaking and when applying some steering lock. It was a bad time to happen as I had just started on a glorious steep decline with many hairpin bends as road ziz zagged down. Obvious thought was brake pads but one never knows. Drove home slowly on route with minimal tight bends and using minimum braking.
Next day had a look to find that outer brake pad was completely without friction material just the metal backing plate. The inner pad was about a third worn. Pad wear indicator not connected. Fortunately disc has not badly marked. I fitted new pad and road tested OK.
I remember when I last changed the pads that outer ones were much more worn than the inners. Is that common? Calipers are free to move and parking brake is fine. When rain stops I will check nearside and expect to change outer pad aswell.
Don't know if it is related but both front tyres have worn bald on outer inch of tyre.
Luckily I have sourced 2 as new Michelins on French ebay for 50 euros just 10 kms from my house.
Regards and happy if damp Guy Fawkes.