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Full Version 2.1TD head gasket identification

Club XM Forum > Diesel Specific Issues
Can anyone tell me which corner of the 2.1TD cylinder head shows the gasket cutout notches which identify the gasket thickness? I suspect it is the rear right hand corner (looking from the front of the car)but before I start moving things out of the way to get a better look I would appreciate confirmation that I'm looking in the right area. Thanks.

Hi Kenhall

Yes, the same area as the smaller 1.9 XUD engine... Im sure of it...

It is the rear n/s corner, but beware you can't really see with the fuel heater mounted and also some replacements don't have the markings on.

I recently fitted a Payen MLS gasket and it was graded on the pack, but no marks on the gasket tab, so I dot punched three marks.. wink.gif

The last Payen MLS I fitted did have holes for markers.
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