December 20, 2010 09:35 pm
Hi all.
I have a 2.5 TD from 1998 (DK5ATE) . I want to know if anyone has an opinion about the deactivation of the EGR on this kind of engines.
My question is:
If i blank the EGR Exhaust pipe, i will have any electronic error like Engine management light on?
There´s other associated problems with this operation?
I want to remove de Intake manifold to clean it. It´s easy to remove with the engine on the car? Do you guys have any information/pictures related? I ask you this because on 2.1 they recon to remove the intake manifold, the engine must be removed too.
Tks in advance.
Miguel S
December 21, 2010 10:09 am
To remove the inlet manifold on a 2.5 is a pain. the main problem is releasing the EGR pipe which has to be done from under the car by either reaching along the 'transmission' tunnel between the subframe and exhaust or via the wheel arch with the liner removed. I used metal blanking plates to disable mine. Removing and blanking off the vacuum pipe will only work if the actual valve is in good condition and doesn't leak when closed.
The EGR pipe clip can be seen in the mid/bottom right of the image above the brown exhaust manifold. The blurred object in the bottom of the photo is the righthand driveshaft. This clip must be released if you need to remove the intake plenumb chamber. I find this an easier access route than via the exhaust tunnel with socket extension bars.
Plenty of 2.5 photos on my photostream -
December 21, 2010 11:07 am
Hi All
Be aware that the desciption here is for the simple EGR set-up on an early 2.5TD.
By 1997 the second version had an additional vacuum operated valve on the air inlet.
The changes were to comply with reduced emmission requirements.
Also a new version ECU and different sensors were fitted.
The two ECU types are not interchangable.
In the UK there are very few of these later version 2.5's and fault finding with the EGR system has proved much more problematic than with the early version.
In my experience reduced rev range, sparodic limp mode running and random blinking engine management light are regular features on some of these later 2.5's.
Fault finding by component swapping usually fails to get a permanent result.
December 21, 2010 11:39 pm
Thanks for your help guys.
Concerning the second generation of the 2.5TD, i believe that you´re talking about the multiplex ECU version which is not my case.
Mine is one of the lasts non-multiplex.
I will try anyway. If it start to give me problems, i have to put it back in Action.
Any further comments will be welcome.
Tks and Kind regards.
December 22, 2010 12:38 am
Hi Miguels
Multiplexing was a seperate development variation by Citroen.
It was applied to a small batch of 2.1TD's in 1995 then followed by small batches of 2.5's in 1996 and 1997. All these car were sold in France to regular customers.
On your late 2.5 you are likely to find the EGR system has a second solenoid with extra vacuum pipe running across the engine to a valve in the air inlet system just above the gearbox.
December 22, 2010 01:24 am
Now it´s clear enough... In fact there is...
You don´t think is a good decision to deactivate de EGR in this car?
My vaccum pipe on EGR control solenoid is blanked at the moment with no errors or faults. Do you think it´s enough like that? of course it will only be reliable if the EGR is in good shape otherwise it will not close properly.
Tks for your help.
December 22, 2010 11:04 am
Hi Miguels
Not saying do not remove the EGR.
Just interested in what needs to be done to be sure that it works right.
January 08, 2011 01:22 am
Hi again XM Exclusive.
Sorry the late reply to your message, but i´ve experienced problems with the forum on the last few days.
I believe that everybody experienced the same.
Concerning the EGR deactivation, can you give me a brief description, about what needs to be done to make it correctly, in order to prevent problems in the future?
What you think about EGR deactivation on this engines?
Tks for your kind help.
Regards from Portugal.
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