September 23, 2010 02:55 pm
Hi Jan,
Emotion is not something that can easily be transmitted through writing (particularly on a forum) unless you are a professional writer. I can assure you no offence was assumed, taken or intended. My question at the start of my post was a genuine one rather than a rhetorical kick back. I was curious if your experience was first hand or not. I freely admitted mine's was not.
Competency, is a hard judgement to make. I would say, by their postings, that most members on club-xm are reasonably competent DIYers. However, in practice I have no idea if they are competent or not. One therefore, is forced to presume competency unless they demonstrate conclusively otherwise. I assume that if Miri asks how difficult it is then he at least understands the question. If he had no skills at all it is unlikely that he'd be asking the question in the first place. I am conscious that he is a relatively new member of club-xm but if you have a look at his prior posts you will see that he has tackled at least a few jobs including making a bracket to stop his struts going through the bonnet.
As for Citroen's mechanics, I have no first hand experience of their competency since I have never put my car into a garage in my entire life. However, I do hear horror stories from people (friends, family, neighbours, colleagues) who have no DIY skills and are forced to take their cars to the garage. One aspect of that shines bright and clear. They have absolutely no diagnostic skills whatsoever. They rely solely on a sequence of parts replacement and a laptop to solve problems. I stand by my statement that the use of the belt tension tool is a substitute for the lack of skill to make that judgement themselves.
As to how much more difficult the V6 is over the DK5, my estimate was conjecture based on the layout of the belt in your picture. I have not done a V6 and therefore cannot make a practical, first hand comparison. I was originally told that the DK5 was very difficult before I tried it the first time for myself. I would now describe it as 'easy' with the proviso that the engine mounting is a pain.
I'm sure that if Miri tried to replace the belt on my erroneous assessment of the complexity of the job and then got into difficulty, there would be no end of members, myself included, on here trying to help him out, such is the Club-XM community. With this level of safety net I felt that my reply was considered and did not unduly encourage Miri to embark on something for which he was not capable.
Absolutely no offence intended.