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A seven seat XM?

I'm currently tempted by the cx familiale but hubby would like something slightly less decrepit, so I googled xm 7 seater and they seem to have existed, but do they now?


sarah x
I recall seeing just one or two offered for sale in used condition, but not recently, so I think they are rare but not impossible to find. Not sure they were OEM more likely aftermarket fitting, but someone here will know for sure. The last one offered IIRC was offered as original with option on extra seats. Just possible someone may have the conversion sitting in their garagem or attic.

Wasn't it just a pair of rear facing foldable seats that could be fitted in the boot of the estate rather than a true 7 seater?
Hi Sarahjane
There most definitely was a rear seat add on. As another person said it was a pair of rear facing folding seats in the boot of the estate. I have seen these occasionally for sale on e-bay. Happy hunting
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