Hi all,
I decided a while back to try to trace the source of the water leak into the boot of my XM. I took the carpet out about three weeks ago, washed it and got it dried in the nice weather we were having. I then waited for the rain which didn't come for another 5 weeks!
I was never sure if the water ingress was simply by gravity from above or whether it was being splashed upwards from the wheels whilst travelling. Well, about a week ago it rained overnight for the first time in weeks. Therefore I could be sure that it was not related to wheel splashing. I opened the boot lid after a night of heavy rain to see the pool of water in the little hollow where the wheel nut key is kept. I traced it upwards and it disappeared upwards somwehere. To trace it further i removed the rear off-side light cluster.
The back wing incorporating the rear quarterlight is a complicated affair with layer upon layer of metal pressings all spot-welded together. Because it was still raining when I checked, the water was still dribbling in. It is coming down a narrow channel which can be seen up through the hole left when the light cluster is removed. From what I could see it seemed to be flowing down hill from the top corner of the quarterlight (triangular shaped rear window).
I had a look to see where it could be entering the channel from the outside. You have the rubber moulding which forms the edge of the glass running all the way from the waistline to the roof. You also have the rubber strip travelling the length of that odd little piece of body about 300mm long x 40mm wide (in the attached photo). Has anyone ever tried to remove this little section of body? If so, how does it come off? You also have the point where the cables cross between the tailgate and the body. The body is rusty at this location on mine.
When I get a chance over the holidays I'm going to take some food colouring and starting at the bottom release some dye into the water and watch for it appearing in the boot. Each time I'll pour some dye and look for a leak. If nothing is found I'll move a little higher and try again. I'll keep on repeating that all the way to the top of the tailgate. I'll have nothing better to do anyway.
All three of my XMs suffer water leaking into the boot. Although I've looked for the leak before I've never done it so methodically and hence was never sure how it was getting into the boot believing it was coming in lower down. Having heard others complain about the same thing leads me to believe this is a common complaint and therefore a design/manufacturing issue. I'm determined to find the source because its a real pain having a soaking carpet all the time, not to mention the additional rust source. Of course finding it is only the start of the process. Whether anything can be done about it is another.
I'll keep you posted on the results.