April 08, 2009 10:43 pm
Hi.Im the newest member here. Proud owner of XM mk2 2.5 TD. Im from Croatia (if anyone should be near me,drop in for a cup of coffee),24 years old. Electrotehnician and still studying.
Sorry for my bad English,not my native language
April 08, 2009 11:10 pm
Hi Sash,
Welcome to the (presently rather quiet!) XM forum. There are not many members posting at present due to server and site access problems, but I'm sure you will find lots of useful information from previous posts. I hope things will be sorted out soon and we can get back to normal service on the forum.
April 08, 2009 11:29 pm
Hi Sash.
Welcome to the forum; as Ken says, its in a very disabled state presently and we have been
assured that efforts are being made to bring it back onto its feet again. In normal conditions
this has been a very lively busy place Gor all things Xm related and the hope is the host of
regular contributors will call back in as before with business as usual.
Your English is excellent and significantly more understandable than any attempt at
communication I could make in your native language!!
If you wish to upload pictures of your country, Xm etc the best starting point is:
All the best,
April 09, 2009 02:10 pm
Hi Sash
I think everything has been said but welcome to club XM, well whats left of it at the moment anyway
normal service will be restored soon though and things will pick up and be back to normal in no time.
Have you had the car for a while or is it a new toy, would be nice to see some pictures of her.
April 09, 2009 10:24 pm
I will add my belated welcome - first post I have made on here in the past 10 days or so.
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