Bertone Addict
April 02, 2009 01:31 pm
Hi, I am hoping somebody can help! The bonnet release on our 91 XM has just broken. The release had been stiff after a very minor knock at the front of the car. When my wife went to open the bonnet yesterday the release suddenly went limp. If I try to pull on the cable at the release end it is rock solid and the bonnet won't release!
Any ideas how to get the bonnet open? Is there an emergency cable/procedure? Am hoping it doesn't prove necessary but in the extreme, do I have to start removing or damaging bodywork (e.g. the grille panel). Obviously I only want to do that if I really have to!
Thanks in advance for any help.
April 02, 2009 08:51 pm
Hi David
If you get a torch and shine it through the front grill just under where the citroen chevrons are, in the top right inside (behing the grill) you will see a metal rod about 6mm in diameter with an offset in it, get a long screwdriver or similar and push it to the right and the bonnet will pop up.
Its very easy to do once you see what needs to be done, if you are still having trouble post back and i will put up some pics of the mechanism in question for you.
Bertone Addict
April 02, 2009 09:08 pm
Dean, I will try it first thing tomorrow - you are a star!! Thanks a million. Will feel a bit daft if it's that easy, but relieved!
April 02, 2009 09:38 pm
Hi David,
Probably a bit obvious this one, but just in case you didn't think of's always worth getting someone to push down on the bonnet as you pull the release lever, it can make all the diference sometimes, especially as you say it's had a minor knock to the front end......
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