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Full Version I Will Pail Wire For The Window Lifts On The Drive

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I have an XM td 2.5 97.
I will pail wire for the window lifts on the driver's door.
My big "problem" right now is that I do not know where I will get the window lift
wiring diagram for a 9-pin connector on the window lift motor.

Where can I buy the wire to the door?
Hi i hope this is of help to you
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
if you have a lhd car the component list is correct if it is a rhd car the 2 switches shown in the left door are in the right door

good luck
Thanks for a good wiring diagram!

I want to test a window lift outside the car.

but, I'm a bit unsure if I translate the chart entitled.
(nothing happened....)

have connected:
sockets 1 - (cable 42) to the earth(minus) and
sockets 5 - (cable 47) to +12V

Then I thought:
connection 4 against the earth, would "close" the window or
connection 8 to the earth, would "open" the window.
(but as I said - nothing happened)

Do I need to connect connection 6 & 9 to 12 V before the other ?
(- to start the electrical window motor?)
or how do you do?

(excuse my bad english wacko.gif )

Hi Jan,

First we must understand which is the correct window.

In the UK the drivers window has some additional features:
You can press the button just once and the window will continue moving by itself.
If someone puts their hand above the glass then the sensor will move the window down again by itself. This is called "Anti-pinch" in english.

The window on the passenger side does not have these features.

On the wiring diagram item 6030 is the drivers side and item 6045 is the passenger side.

You talk about terminals 42, 47, 4 and 8. These are for the drivers window with the extra features.

To make this window operate outside the car you will need to add many wires. This will be difficult. If you hold the window lift next to the car it will be easier to use the original wiring in the car door. This will be easier than making your own wires. You can operate the motor up and down even if it is not connected to the glass.

In your question you use the word "pail". This does not translate well in english. What is the meaning of this word? Can you carefully describe the exact problem? Is the motor broken? Are some of the wires broken? Is the anti-pinch controller broken? Is the cable connected to the glass broken?

Please describe more fully and we will help with the solution.



Hi noz thanks for the reply to jan i was thinking about a response when i saw your post go on i could not of put it better myself the welth of knowlege on this forum is second to none

so jan if you can give anu more information on your problem someone will reply and help you out

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