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Club XM Forum > Diesel Specific Issues
Hi all,

A week or so ago I decided to remove the "tamper proof" clamp on the mixture screw of my Bosch diesel pump and the enrichen the mixture 1/2 a turn - Brill

Only... now my xm doesn't want to start until lots of churning and there's a strong smell of diesel ohmy.gif after a little inspection the afformentioned mixture screw is wet and grubby when it wasn't before...

SOoooo, what't behind the screw, would it by some miracle be only an "O" ring ? what will happen when I totally unscrew it ? will something go into orbit at the speed of sound after passing through something soft and fleshy (me) ?

Help sad.gif

Hi Colin

Sounds like diesel is running back/leaking out and its getting air in the system??? does it start easily when turned off then started again immediately but takes a lot of winding over when its been stood a while?
Wheres a Derv expert when you need one laugh.gif

Good luck with it, hope its cheap n easy wink.gif

Thanks for the moral support Dean, that's the exact symptoms... it still goes like a rocket and pulls like a steam train when going though so hopefully an easy fix unsure.gif

Not that i have a 2.1 but what sort of difference did it make on performance and economy? very noticable?

I can't really say what effect it had on top performance as I've only been on local roads in the past couple of weeks and we have an 80 kph (50 mph) speed restriction on open roads over here but the car certainly picks up much better when accelerating and seems to pull up steep mountain roads much more willingly biggrin.gif

As for mpg I've never really taken too much notice of what the car does - it does go an awful long way on little fuel though but again, most of the time is spent below 80 kph or else I'll get another crippling speeding fine... the police over here don't have much else better to do than penalise the commuter, they hide in fields and bus shelters to use their laser guns - sometimes dressed in camouflage ! just 3mph over the limit gets me a £350 fine rant rant rant... where are they when the muppets with no exhausts and boom boxes come out to play in the evenings and weekends ? NOoooo - pick on the commuters who earn a living and will pay their fines rant rant rant mad.gif

Sorry, feeling much better now wink.gif

Thanks for listening, Colin.P
I suspect it just wants a bit of thread sealing compond on the thread.

user posted image
Thanks Dieselman, looks as if the screw simply actuates an internal "lever". I'll unscrew it tomorrow and apply said thread sealer biggrin.gif

Cheers, Colin.P
Fixed it biggrin.gif the rain finaly stopped and the sun came out so I whipped out the screw and replaced the "O" ring fitted halfway along it's length. A little dab of Hermatite Gold on the end and Bob's your Father's Brother biggrin.gif

That sounds easy Colin biggrin.gif , dont get that happen often..........

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