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Full Version 2.5td Not Running As It Should

Club XM Forum > Diesel Specific Issues
Hello all,
I have a 96 2.5td estate and it has two problems as follows......
When driving in slow traffic the engine lunges when I am on and off the throttle,like you would think an engine mounting needed replacing,only the engine mounts seem fine.
problem two,when changing gear the revs stay high and take their time to come down,so much that I have had to perfect the technique of taking my foot off the accelerator just before I dip the clutch.that way the revs are brought down and I don't have the annoying high revs.

I have read and printed off the thread (brilliant) that Noz did on the waste gate seizing on the turbo and from that it seems like,the car jolting at low speed could be as noz states the waste gate stuck in a certain position,but the car doesn't smoke or run abnormal in any other way than I have stated.
Could the high revs be part of the waste gate problem?
The car goes like fury the faster you go,coming home from liverpool at the weekend the car was fully loaded and it touched 100mph with very little effort,exceptionally
smooth with it.
Any help most appreciated.
Gary mellow.gif
Check for air leaks into the fuel system when under load, it can cause some pumps to run at higher speed due to pressure imbalances.
Setting up the torque link on the engine mounting is a tricky procedure that's been typed up somewhere by Brian Primmer I think.

2.5s don't chop their revs very fast but then it depends what you're comparing it to. You could try reading the blink codes from the ECU.

This may be of some help-

Thanks for all the useful info chaps ,all good stuff when I can get around to it.
How would I read the blink codes from the ecu?
at the moment I am coming to the end of refurbishing the bathroom which as taken all of my time up,got to keep the missus happy.
The last car I had was the a 2.1 td auto before that it was a mk1 2.1td manual and that dropped it's revs about the same as most other diesels.
The 2.5 td ticks over fine, pulls like a gooden, but is lazy in dropping the revs it's very noticeable when you dip the clutch to change gear, I will try and get it up on the ramps mid week and check the wast gate,once I can eliminate that from the list of possibilities if needed I can investigate further.
Thanks again for all the useful info.
ps the digital read out to the left of the steering column doesn't work,if it was giving any error codes out I would'nt know about it.
One other thing given its occurence at low revs. Possibility of a worn spot on the throttle potentiometer giving a jerky response. I stress I am theorising as I have not encountered the problem or that as a a cause.

To read blink codes you need a very simple circuit, the diagram is knocking around somewhere - see Noz's thread here - I bought a cheap Gunsons one for about £5 and rewired it to suit. Works fine but you have to switch the switch correctly or you get nothing.

Hope that helps.

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