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Full Version Change The Oil Filter On A V6

Club XM Forum > Petrol Specific Issues
I have a XM V6 Break -93 since a month or so. The mileage is 330.480 km.
One of the good routines I have learned about a "new" car is to change the engine oil and oil filter. You never know when it was done last time...
I´m used to the CX - where one really need to know where the filter is placed and what method to use to get it out!
But is there anything special about the XM V6? Do I need some special tools? Do I need a monkeys arms to reach the filter? Some special routine maybe? unsure.gif
- Some advice, please, from you experienced owners! cool.gif
David Hallworth
If you lift the car right up and support the suspension (just so it cannot collapse).

Slide under it on your back and look up between the radiator and the front of the engine.

You can see the filter sitting there, just watch your knuckles on the exhaust as its usually pretty warm there after running the engine to warm the oil through.

Quite an easy job really.

Just don't do my usual trick......... Make sure you've got a sump plug washer.




A bit I found tricky was to get the right filter for the PRV engine. My indy couldn't find it and said they now specify another filter for the PRVs, which happens to be the filter that goes on the newer V6 engines. The old PRV filter is big and dark blue in color, the newer type is about half the size and whit-ish.

I dont know if it'd make any difference in practice, so I've stuck to the old-style filter which I found on ebay -and there are still many available-.

David Hallworth

AEP in Rutherglen have always given me the right one.

Ok, thanks for your advice! Think I will manage to find it now. In front of the engine it is! cool.gif
I bought a filter today at my local dealer, a "Mann W840".
user posted image
No problem at all, he checked my car in the register on his computer and picked the filter from the shelf. 12€.
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