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Full Version Engine Management Warning 2.0ct

Club XM Forum > Petrol Specific Issues
Engine management light has just started coming on for a few seconds on starting.
This is on te VSX 2.0CT with 63k miles.

"Few" does ssem to be getting longer, buts its only been since Monday really so difficult to be sure.

is there anything basic I can check or shall I just refer to the indie.

thaks in advance

Disturbed the relevant 'stuff in the way' to change a failing alternator on mine a month ago,
(on the one day it didn't rain - well, half a day... dry.gif ) and have subsequently had the
engine manglement light on almost constantly where I never saw it EVER before!!

The top suspect seems to be the induction and intercooler pipework as the car doesn't quite
seem quite as urgent in it's power now! So. A potential air leak is probably blowing the whole
lot askew and giving the ECU the right willies...! laugh.gif

Well, hopefully I'll check sometime next year around March when (IF?) it stops raining... unsure.gif

make a fault code reader and read off the codes as a first step. seem files section on xm-l for info. Note that after 20 or so starts, you'll lose the original codes, so once you've read them, reset the ecu and then read again soon after the light comes up again.

At least it may give you an indication of where it thinks the problem is.

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