Ken newbold
January 09, 2008 07:42 pm
I'd normally allow about 2 hours to fit new Octopus. They tell me it's easier if you remove the o/s driveshaft. But my hands are quite small and I've never had to do this.
It will be leaking from the height corrector return pipe. This pipe is only about 4" long in total with a 180 degree bend. It usually cracks where it fits onto the height corrector, so if you can find a bit of rubber tube the right size, fit it to the h/c and then bend a piece of brake pipe to shape and insert into the octopus and the new bit of rubber tube, you will probably have fixed the leak.
OK it's a bodge, but I've know this bodge outlive the car! You'll need a very strong handlamp and pretty good eyes to see where the leak is coming from. But once you've found the h/c just find the return pipe and you've found the leak.
Other common faults, A pillar rust, Rear arm bearings, not a bad job. Front to rear hydraulic pipes, especially up the side of the fuel tank, where they are difficult to see.
Rust in rear corners of the boot floor, front and rear inner wings (both easy to see) and lately I've seen a few with a bad rot in the floor, just under the near side rear footwell.
As with all the XUD engines, watch out for excessive pressure in the water system.
All in all a good car despite their age, bad ones are fairly easy to recognise.
Good luck.