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Hello everybody

I have a 1990 XM, the radio-tape is a clarion-citroen with control on the driving wheel (I’m not sure how to say in English).
Is it possible to replace and keep the controls?

Hi Miguel,

yes it is possible, there are some adaptors for the Citroen plug on the market -ask audio shops or search the internet-. Unfortunately, my impression is that most people that have attempted it have not had good results -for example, not all the buttons working-. Probably someone who has tried it will offer his experience.

Where are you located? In case you find it difficult sometimes to precisely express what you want, I speak Spanish (but not Portuguese :-( ), dont' hesitate to write -I know technical things are not the easiest when you try to speak a foreign language-.

You may have problems as the Mk1 works on individual wires for each button where as the Mk2 uses the now standard current control for the buttons. The currrent control system is easy to adapt because all you need to know is what resistance to add to the two return wires to match a stereo up to the controls on the car.

I actually copied the Mk2 system when I rebuilt my MG Midget. I measured the resistances on the XM and copied them. I put a Sony stereo in the boot where it would be safe and metal toggle switches along the underneath of the dash. I had it set up for on/off, radio/cd, volume and station/track change. Works great and keeps the looks of a classic car.

So technically you could re-wire the buttons on a Mk1 reducing it to a 3 wire system and add resistors as required to work with a replacement stereo.
Hi Miguel, If you only need a radio to replace a broken one I have an older radio/cassette player out of an older XM Saloon which I am sure is in good working order.
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