October 22, 2006 11:38 am
Newbury based lonely 2.0 TCT with leaking gearbox, engine good. Most other parts available too. Full - electronic- AC fitted too, but looking into adding it to my 2.5 (manual AC fitted) if no-one calls soon...
Not in this for money-making, so CHEAP bits to anyone interested.
Drivable still, so whole thing also an option.
October 22, 2006 12:03 pm
Hello. Sorry its got to the end of the line. If it comes apart, I am looking for ABS wheel sensors suitable Bendix system used on my RP6666 2.1 TD.
October 22, 2006 01:50 pm
On the Cut - The type of ABS changed from Bendix to Teves around ORG 6810. Wheel ABS Sensors are not interchangable between the two types. They changed back to Bendix ABS about a year later but used yet another type of wheel sensor.
Chadders - I guess you know you may need to recover a bit of wiring loom and at least one temperature sensor to modify the aircon. I have an aircon (factory) dash stripped out at the moment. Will try to take some record photos just in case they are needed. It seems that the 2.5 ECU can automatically sense the type of climate installation.
October 22, 2006 07:49 pm
Chadders, What interior does the car have? Colour/ electrics etc.....
Hope its green....
October 23, 2006 02:31 pm
Hi Chadders,
I need an o/s/r suspension cylinder if possible.
Could probably collect if that helps.
Mark Bodsworth
October 23, 2006 04:50 pm
Does it have the dot matrix screen?
November 02, 2006 02:26 pm
hi there,
I need a n/s front sidelight. price inc. p&p please?
November 06, 2006 10:05 pm
Is the Hydraulic pump OK, mine sounds like a bag of spanners!
If so I am interested, it would also be worth salvaging some spheres as exchange units.
Please contact me off forum with price if available.
November 11, 2006 02:25 am
Hi Chadders; thanks for the PM about the interior; I've not been on line for a few days and due to external influences (my mrs. hooting about the washing machine having gone mental- dunno what her problem is, there's a laundrette, only a couple of miles walk away....) I'm leaving the car as is unless I can get one seat to match my current set as I've a feeling it's not gonna be a cheap trip to comets tomorrow...
Thanks for getting back to me
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