Hi all,
5000 posts is certainly a milestone to be proud of. Such is the contribution from all its members club-xm is now the foremost resource for all things XM. Hopefully you will have found something on this site which has saved you something on your repair bills or even saved your beloved machine from the nasty scrap man.
Please don't be shy. If you have a problem with your XM just ask. Please also make use of our excellent search engine. There's a good chance your particular issue has been covered before and the answer to all your woes just a click away.
The success of this site is solely down to the contributions from its excellent and knowledgeable member base. Thanks to one and all for making club-xm what it is today.
The lack of commercial interest also has its role to play in the success of the site. There are no annnoying banners, no adware, no spyware, no popups, no spam, no membership fees, no credit cards, no annoyances whatsoever which plagues normal enthusiasts sites.
If you have any ideas on how to expand the usefulness of the site please just post in the "About the site" section and there's a very good chance your requests will be implemented.
Best regards